'Don't drink so much, rather have another beer!’ - with these words, the priest ended the beer tent service. It was 10 o'clock on a Sunday morning. The people were given a blessing and the beer was served in liter mugs.
This work is a poetic journey through the world of beer. It is about care, repression, passion and excess. It is about the love of beer and the difficulty of refusing an invitation. It is about taking constant availability for granted. Beer is a ubiquitous cultural asset, a social cement, a source of comfort, destruction and bliss. The work is like an intoxication. Moments of euphoria are followed by moments of melancholy. Silence follows ecstasy. And then it all starts all over again.
Beer has left deep traces in the (urban) landscape and in our culture. These have been discovered for this series in places of production, research and, above all, consumption. Without pointing a moral finger, the work is intended to encourage the viewer to reconsider the special role that alcohol, and beer in particular, plays in our culture compared to other drugs.
'Im Himmel, da gibt's kein Bier'

available as a self-published photo book in a first edition of 100
80 pages, Swiss brochure, 17x21cm, 25€

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